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Here is A Collection Of Vonerich Matches Dating Back To The Early 1980's... The Reason They Are So Small Is Because When They Are Enlarged The Video Is Choppy & The Audio Is Way Off. Please Give The Videos Time To Load Because They Run Off A Different Server. I Hope You Enjoy These Classic Matches As Much As I Did When I Was Just A Boy In The 80's. This Is My Tribute The My Heros & The Family Who Made Me Become What I Am Today. ( Many More Vonerich Videos To Come )

Back In 1985 Al Michaels Did A Segment On The Vonerich Family (Running Time 6:46)

WCCW Six Man Tag Team titles. Mike & Kerry Von Erich & Bobby Fulton vs. Jake Roberts & "The Dynamic Duo" (Chris Adams & Gino Hernandez) w/Gary Hart & Babydoll October 5, 1986 (Running Time 13:06)

The Nature Boy" Ric Flair defends the NWA World Championship against Kerry Von Erich (05/06/84) It Was 120 Degrees That Day At Texas Stadium (Running Time 18:03)

Hayes & Gordy vs. Kerry Von Erich & Bruiser Brody [1 of 2]

Hayes & Gordy vs. Kerry Von Erich & Bruiser Brody [2 of 2]

Kerry Von Erich VS Kamala The Sportatorium Dallas Texas 1983

Kevin Vonerich Music Tribute Video

Kevin & Kerry Von Erich Interview 1983

The Sportatorium In Dallas, Texas Photo Taken 2003
The Sportatorium In Dallas Texas. Lots Of Memories Of Great Professional Wrestling In This Building